Fernie, June 30, 2012
After breakfast at the hotel, we went off on a morning walk, following the Fernie trail system yet again. Here is the map of the trails in this system. Note that North is at an angle. Our target was the big loop on the right of the map, the path walking around (and some distance away) from the golfers.
This Google Earth shot shows our path in magenta.
Here are a few shots of the views that we had.
And now for something different. As you are no doubt aware, there has been a lot of rain and snow melt (impacting travel in some parts of BC, as my sister well knows). We were walking along the Elk River in Fernie, and were quite fascinated by the speed of the river. Here are a couple of movies of the river flowing.
And now some of the plant life. First, an interesting old, old stump with a younger tree growing out of it. (There were a lot of big old stumps along the path, which was named, not particularly surprisingly, Old Stumpy Trail.)
And now, some flowers, because (as you might have guessed) I love flowers. First, a buttercup.
A rose.
A white flower.
Something that looks pretty.
Some yarrow and buttercups and dandelions.
A columbine, I think.
Some blue flax. Mom loved this flower, and planted a bunch of it at my old house.
A blue-purple flower.
Some day, I might actually learn the names of all those flowers.