Daily Archives: 2018-08-13

South Poway Trail 5

Poway, California, Apr 2, 2013 Today was another two-fer. Because my knees preferred, nay, demanded that I not subject them to walking, so I did one thing while Stephen did another. So this is the final bit of our exploration … Continue reading

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South Poway Trail 4

Poway, California, Mar 31, 2013 The decision for today was based on a couple of things: the state of my knees and the probable population at some of the hiking trails that we know to be easy. This being a … Continue reading

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South Poway Trail 3

Poway, California, Mar 30, 2013 Today, I rested – my knees demanded it! Stephen, on the other hand, decided to follow a bit more of the South Poway Trail, which I have described a couple of times already. You have … Continue reading

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