Author Archives: Judy Obee

Crysler’s Farm

Morrisburg, Ontario, Sept 23, 2018 This was a little jaunt to explore a bit of the history of the War of 1812, and, to be more specific, the battle at Crysler’s Farm. From Wikipedia: The Battle of Crysler’s Farm was … Continue reading

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South Poway Trail 5

Poway, California, Apr 2, 2013 Today was another two-fer. Because my knees preferred, nay, demanded that I not subject them to walking, so I did one thing while Stephen did another. So this is the final bit of our exploration … Continue reading

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South Poway Trail 4

Poway, California, Mar 31, 2013 The decision for today was based on a couple of things: the state of my knees and the probable population at some of the hiking trails that we know to be easy. This being a … Continue reading

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South Poway Trail 3

Poway, California, Mar 30, 2013 Today, I rested – my knees demanded it! Stephen, on the other hand, decided to follow a bit more of the South Poway Trail, which I have described a couple of times already. You have … Continue reading

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South Poway Trail 2

Poway, California, Mar 27, 2013 Having discovered this thing called the South Poway Trail yesterday, Stephen did the appropriate research, and discovered that this is really a lengthy trail system. So we decided to do the west end of it. … Continue reading

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South Poway Trail 1

Poway, California, Mar 26, 2013 As we have been driving around, we have observed a small mountain south of our hotel, with trails on it. There was no reference to these trails in our California Hiking book. So we figured … Continue reading

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Black Mountain Open Space Park

Poway, California, March 24/25 2013 First off, Mar 24 – the trip After an incredibly pleasant airport and flight experience (boggles the mind!!), we landed in Palm Springs, hopped into our rental car, and drove to the thriving metropolis of … Continue reading

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Palm Canyon Trail (Indian Canyons)

Palm Springs, Jan 31, 2013 and Jan 31, 2017 Exactly 4 years apart, we again do the same trail. It really is comforting to go somewhere familiar. This is a more strenuous trail than we usually do. I have ranked … Continue reading

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Living Desert Zoo and Gardens

Palm Desert, California, January 28, 2017 Sometimes, you need a walk with some length to it that’s also fairly easy on the knees. This was about 4 kms long, but it took over 2 hours, because there are so many … Continue reading

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Cove to Lake Cahuilla

La Quinta, California, January 27, 2017 This is a hike that we gave up on, about 3/4 of the way to the end point. Blame it on one arthritic knee and one new (almost 6 months old) knee – there … Continue reading

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